3 Techniques to Cope with Work Stress

How to cope with work stress in an organization that does not have psychological safety.

Nobody likes to talk about work stress!

This is especially so in the Pasifika where we are taught to never complain about the workload or how our boss treats us…at least not at work right? This feeds right into other topics that we will look into later on such as work/life balance during these unusual times. 

But I digress.

Our focus today is on how we can cope with work stress which is usually a result of an organization that does not have a psychologically safe environment. We will talk about 3 simple ways any Pasifika professional can cope with work stress. 

The Best Way is a Self-Care Regimen

It is amazing what a few minutes to yourself can do for your mental well-being!

Plan a few stress breaks in your workday where you’re able to listen to your favorite music or podcast, take a brisk walk around the office or neighborhood block, or even take a quick nap.

During the weekends we’re more likely to binge watch a tv series or go out for drinks with friends. I understand that these things are fun and I’ve been through weekends like that myself, but ultimately it doesn’t necessarily help lessen stress.

I recommend taking time to learn a new skill or read a book that would help you become more efficient at work. If you’re not much of a reader learn gardening or how to play an instrument. If you are a reader then you know how it feels to be immersed in a book right? 

Set Boundaries between Work and Home 

You have to set clear boundaries between your work life and home life. Believe me your family will thank you for that!

It is especially hard right now with the pandemic bringing the office into your homes but it can be done. I would suggest allocating a daily deadline where all office talk and communications seize. After your specified time your family gets all your attention. Make dinner together, have family discussions or a family fun night.

Family is such a big part of our lives as Pasifika people. Be present physically and mentally for your family because they are an essential part to your well-being as you are for theirs. 

Look For a Way Out

As much as I would have loved to add another “positive” coping technique, it would be irresponsible for me to encourage you to stay in an environment that you’re not comfortable.

An exit strategy should be planned out thoroughly so that you understand the steps you would take to resign elegantly. This also helps you stay professional during your departure so that you don’t burn bridges you can’t afford to destroy. 

Explain why you are leaving and suggest ways that the organization could improve in their retention strategy. The HR professional in charge of your exit interview would love you for that and it helps when the time comes to get references for later on.

Work Life is Hard

It’s hard working in a stressful environment, believe me, I know! 

If you aren’t able to create a psychologically safe environment within your work space then it can be extremely difficult to be productive. These are a couple of techniques I hope will help you. They may seem too simple to actually work but if you’re committed to looking after your well-being they can help.

Remember to maintain a self-care regimen, set clear boundaries between your work and home life, and plan a good exit strategy. 

Your health and mindset are assets that you cannot take for granted. How you feel at work has such a huge effect on all other aspects of your life so don’t settle for less than happiness in that area. 

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