Rugby Lessons — 3 Essentials to building team cultures.

The Collegiate Rugby Association of America's 2024 D1 Elite season recently ended. I write about valuable lessons on team culture that I learnt. Key points? Finding a strong adversary, building and selling the team's vision, and maintaining high standards to avoid compromising team integrity.

How A Growth Mindset Is Changing My Life

I reflect on the struggles that came from self-imposed limitations and the fear of failure. I talk about my transition to a growth mindset, and the importance of embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and seeking improvement. I also address the specific challenges faced by the Pasifika community in adopting a growth mindset, highlighting the need for self-awareness and overcoming societal expectations.

An iTaukei Parallel on Finding Balance for Work and Home.

We talk about how to switch between a work mindset — before heading to work — and home mindset — as you prepare to head home. We use parallelism, in the form of traditional iTaukei protocols, to highlight how creating routines and habits can boost productivity at work while maintaining work-life balance.